Manifesting 2014: 3 Great Posts to Help


New Year’s Day is my favorite holiday. It’s the day when I slough off the champagne haze from the night before and dig into my pseudo-southern roots to make my black-eyed pea soup with greens for good luck. No matter the weather, I always do a meditative hike in one of my favorite spots. It’s a time for contemplation, visioning and finding ground to manifest the year ahead.

As poet, David Whyte so eloquently states, “…To come to ground is to find a home in circumstances and to face the truth, no matter how difficult that truth may be; to come to ground is to begin the courageous conversation: to step into difficulty and by taking that first step, begin the movement through all difficulties to come, to find the support and foundation that has been beneath our feet all along” Continue reading Manifesting 2014: 3 Great Posts to Help